why drank if you cant hold your liquor? what kinda look is that walking around smelling like rum? .:cindyAquashie:.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

#Occupy THAT!

the preceding was another installment of "SCRAPING PLAQUE OFF MA BRAIN" by  be well 'til we tweet again
it is now time to go  my shame in  of not being surprised SPD pepper-sprayed An ElderWoman at WestLake Center in Seattle.
i damn myself the day i allow any NEW global  party attendees to DICTATE how to do when what i do is done.
so my 'civil' words in conversation about oppression live between the lessons taught by Ms. Giovanni and Mr Carlin.
Ms. Giovanni learned me what a REAL cuss word is and Mr. Carlin learned me how to identify the fools who think otherwise.
i do not participate in much, but the little i do is done with everything i got with purposeful disregard opinions about 'civility.'
for me, Freedom, Justice and Liberty are The Foundations of Humanity and Natural Rights of Humans.
iAM also selfish, self-centered and mine would make Kanye say, damn, "you got BIG EGO!"
iAM A Human (as in the one race on Mother Earth) who subscribes to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's teachings on injustice.
if you need a reason why i got no regard for your   or  guidelines, is 'cause i do not subscribe to color-lines
so new   party attendees are FREE to think whatever about BROKE. iAM the 100% occupying Ma Skin since 01/15/67
Ma Granny Miss Esther learned me, consequence must be accepted for choice. i said ok. that was in '68
and you expect A NEGA to be impressed because SPD ran up on your  in WestLake Center. bitch please
in Downtown Seattle, Veterans without Shelter give first-rights-of-refusal LIMITED bedspace to Their Fellow Americans similarly situated.
in Downtown Seattle, but for the Generosity of The Pike Place Market, there would be NO Public Housing for Elders.
check ma twitter handle. A Pimp is too Broke to adopt Styles where She only regards Elders and Veterans when it suits some agenda.
for me, an Elder in America is A Walking Library of Congress, Wikipedia and Smithsonian combined. Each A National Treasure.
if you NEW who  &  think am dying to LIVE in this Struggle called Life by your rules, ask  'bout that thurr
by my count, most who know   Global conditions do so because the past 189,586 daze have finally hit their homes
i ain't the one w/invitations to walk a mile in my shoes 'cause am selfish, don't like sharing and i do not wish to catch your fungus
i ain't with none y'all and your "fashion"-ably late to the Freedom, Liberty, Justice party bullshit. 
Elders in Seattle live under I-405 with Veterans as neighbors.  before you come trying to tell BROKE summin that'll get you broke
i love you like all that and a bushel of blackberries 
Elders in Seattle no longer have vision or dental care as of October 2010. And that is on top of no cola since lawd knows when
Elders in Seattle know the daze of sharecropping, Arctic sea-fishing, boat-building, lumber-jacking and politricking of social security
Greece braced for major protests 
Elders in Seattle get grumbled at for simply being careful with their money at checkout stands in stores.
Elders in Seattle with no shelter to cover their heads get evicted from public parks, so dog lovers can frolic in "peace"
Elders in Seattle on Life-Sustaining Cannabis medications get raided as if their members of a global drug cartel
amma hit you on the celly one day with the answers, when i get pass this shame ;) 
what happens to Elders when the cameras are not rolling or there is no cause-de-jour like  is why iAM an Artiste who's 'tolerated'
and such a moment occurred when SPD pepper-sprayed that ElderWoman in Downtown Seattle at 
in my Life, i have observed that people and the press only think of Elders when a moment of Celebritorious Ignaramous presents itself
yes, he lives in Florida. but most of the Children of his peers are walking wounded and sadly some checked themselves out 
my shame stems from a life of only being surprised IF a police officer does NOT maim, murder, harass, brutalize, etc 
i was born to a Policeman father in the middle of a coup that left 80% of his peers murdered and the rest permanently wounded
maybe, my disgust with the reporting of SPD on patrol AGAINST  stems from my residing in Downtown since Feb 1998
what has been the norm since Nov 30th 1999 is a car, bike or foot patrol on every corner in Downtown 
 Ray Ven 
 by BrokePimpStyles
 it did not shock me either. I know what SPD is capable of. It made me angry, though.
the issue i have with  is that far too many occupiers (for me that would be 1) have made it their business to tell me HOW to occupy.
rt  there will be lots of political drama, as the elite decide if that $14.80 per week is going to reduce their caviar intake.
i have always had issues with causes and the is be-cause iAM Human made up of 180 degrees on each side of my being in opposition to myself.
it is my hope that sleep evades me this night, so i can pretend it is punishment for my shame
i feel shame that police pepper-spraying An Elder exercising Her Human & Constitutional Rights to be in Seattle did not shock me.
thank you  <<< just reminded me the .37cents increase in the minimum wage is not yet a done deal
what sad state this Washington, where  is lucky enough to have a job, commuting to work or driving and having to park
if you lucky enough to have a job in Seattle, the first 1 & 1/2 hours pays for the privilege of getting to the job site. 
Bernie Madoff Trader To Plead Guilty For Ponzi Scheme Role
the current minimum wage in Washington state is $8.67. if you commute to work in Seattle, the average roundtrip is $11.00
the current minimum wage in Washington state is $8.67. if you drive to work in The City of Seattle it cost $12.00 to park.
Washington's minimum wage to increase to $9.04 next year
Modern-Day Runner: Concept ONE Serpentine Install 
**H**U**  **G**S**
 it is way too easy to bury hypocrites with hiphop. amma drop a yellow flag on maself. excessive celebration in the endzone
 - "Becky"  ( video deemed "inappropriate" but  serial sexual harasser is ok to be POTUS?"

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