why drank if you cant hold your liquor? what kinda look is that walking around smelling like rum? .:cindyAquashie:.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

running numbers

"Most of us are middle aged before we even realize we had opportunities."
-Jason A. Nunnelly-

the wind is all around me, so i do not bother to notice it either.

do the owners and founding members of the club exclude those they consider their own kind, depending on circumstance,  (like killing off emancipated slaves who didn't expect to receive half a penny, much less a mule AND 40 acres of Their own Lands) YES!

but whose fault is it, that with 517 years of no share from the crops profits, that folks still walk around, whether taking advantage of Jim Crow or not,  still go around thinking they are 'white.?'

i am not in the club, so i must ask, isn't there someone who takes notes and sends out memos about the club's activities? if so, whose fault it was that  'whites'  did not get the memo.

and if there is no such person, whose fault is it, that when they missed the meeting where the spoils were divided up, they were not informed that that was on the agenda and 2 they did not set the 'whites' portions aside?

it is a convenience i am certain i cannot afford, when lqqking at white-identify and the privileges accorded such persons, to qualify and edit the truth trying to escape my being and breathe.  And the truth needed here calls for me and 'whites' to lqqk ourselves in the mirror.

i know the view aint pretty.  one lqqk was more than enough for me.  and that one lqqk i feel blessed to say was not done by me. but he or she would lqqked for me, surely did go blind.

for until i was able to come to balance the weight of the many systems of oppression and subjugation  throughout humanity's course of which ALL of humanity has at one time or another taken part AGAINST this all out assault on mother Earth and Her inhabitants, which i hope we can agree, commenced 10.12.1492.

there has been too much qualifying and shifting of blame instead of facing the Truth that 'white-identity and it's privileges reserved for 'whites' only, as defined by those who defined 'white,' did the following.

(and i do not mean to make light of the fact that their are souls on the line and The Earth's ability to bear humanity much longer at stake.0

but when lucy got kicked out of heaven, my ichibhan womanFren gave him a dime to call and she would pick him back up after he understood his place.

now that there happened when she first invented man. and taking thee holy text of 'white-identity 'king james version of the bible WITHOUt preface,' was more than 3000 years ago.

so for 2500 years, lucy been had that dime, in hell, traffic bum-rushing the place all day (aint no night in hell, aint no club hopping in hell, so fewls be jumping aiight, but not to the beat of any rhythm, lucy aint with none that bullshitting down there.  not when he gotta spend the rest of eternity in time-out)

BECAUSE on 10.12.1492, when he saw come-buss-us wash ashore, he called heaven to say

'God, they are not with me, i am not with them, i do not know them, we have never been introduced and could you please invented hell 2.0 for i do not want them coming here thinking they going to build any city near my lake of fire and spoiling my view for the backyard.'

is after, lucy hung up, he cried out

OH HOLY FUCK! i forgot to ask if i come home.

so reaching into his pocket, he then turned hell upside down lqqking for his dime.

that afternoon was the first time, the rain ever fell whule the sun shined for in hell, 'de devil dung dey a band he wife' because she had just told him, dear, you used it to call God and disassociated yourself with that nebuchadnezzar of all babylons. chris about to buss them all with.

Monday, October 12, 2009

hurricane wadadli

RT @BrokePimpStyles The Tenderness Of A Warrior's Heart is Birthed From Remembrance Of Not Forgetting The Forgiven. October 12, 2009 Liamuiga-Oualie CARIBS!
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