why drank if you cant hold your liquor? what kinda look is that walking around smelling like rum? .:cindyAquashie:.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Christianity is the disregard
for consequence to Soul
for Crimes against Humanity .
(true story)

Tweet Micro-Blog 11.13.2010

  1. **H**U** @sonofslaves **G**S**from TweetDeck

  2. RT @mashable Haiti Earthquake Relief: 9 Ways to Help Nowhttp://tinyurl.com/y9rxfhhfrom TweetMeme

  3. God Bless and Keep The Soul of The ArchBishop of Port-Au-Prince who perished in the Haiti Earthquake yesterday. #RIPfrom TweetDeck

  4. Sincerely, ~BROKE~from TweetDeck

  5. so Pat Robertson can go fuck His Ancestors, for i intend to use my every breath to destroy their Obeah at every turn with ma VouDooufrom TweetDeck

  6. well, a wasnt about to let that proceed unchecked. America is facing it's hardest road. YET, its people's generosity is unfailingfrom TweetDeck

  7. we are instead fixated on d-evil declaring joy in the face of a natural catastrophe, the likes of which do not exist in recorded memoriesfrom TweetDeck

  8. it is because of Pat Robertson & His Ancestors why instead of media focus on The Goodness expressed from A land with troubles of its ownfrom TweetDeck

  9. I will never sit still and allow Pat Robertson & Ancestors to continually bring disgrace to A People as Decent and Kind as Americansfrom TweetDeck

  10. and all the d-evils who continue to use their Christianity to justify as right their wrongs against Humanity will never prosper or prevailfrom TweetDeck

  11. but gathered together none-the-less. And I thank the Heavens for this Eternal Blessing, for come what may, we have, do and we will overcomefrom TweetDeck

  12. I am thankful for another Pleasant-Nest of Colonialistic wrath and that is The Good of Mother Earth were gathered close together (in chains)from TweetDeck

  13. and here comes Pat Robertson in the name of Christianity thanking 'god' (d-evil) for punishing US for OUR unaccpetance of they religionfrom TweetDeck

  14. One Pleasant-Nest from the French Colonial Connection is that it make Family of New Orlenas and Haitifrom TweetDeck

  15. until Y'all grow some Tits and start checking the extremists whose spoils from plunder you so relish, amma keep whupping that assfrom TweetDeck

  16. i, cindy adrienne quashie, do now use qualifiers when Christians come talking shit, so if you mad, that thurr aint ma faultfrom TweetDeck

  17. the #unfollow button right there and despite Pat Robertson and His Ancestors Christian restriction on Humanity's Freedom, you may use itfrom TweetDeck

  18. Pat Robertson and His Ancestors are murders, thieves, whores, war-mongerers whose evil is justified by Christianityfrom TweetDeck

  19. Pat Robertson continues to use his paradigm of (d-evil worship) Christianity to remain uneducated to the Holy -VouDou and the unholy (Obeah)from TweetDeck

  20. Pat Robertson's Ancestors using their paradigms of Christaianty (d-evil worship) re-labeled Obeah (withcraft) as VouDoufrom TweetDeck

  21. @yayayarndiva http://twitpic.com/xyc6c here it is SistahWoman and x-squeeze ma manners, Good Day 2Ufrom TweetDeck in reply to yayayarndiva

  22. Ma Dawg DJ Scoobz from Miami hooked me up @yayayarndivajamma twitpic so you can get itfrom TweetDeck

  23. Pat Robertson continues to engage in the trade of stolen Land and Reources of The Fon and Fonte (primary West African Family to Haiti)from TweetDeck

  24. Pat Robertson's Ancestors did engage in the trade of Fon and Fonte (primary West African make-up of Haiti) as goods to perform servicesfrom TweetDeck

  25. Pat Robertson continues to use his Christianity and 'god' (d-evil) to annilate all semblance of Soul, Serenity and Sanity of Haiti tainofrom TweetDeck

  26. Pat Robertson's Ancestors totally wiped out The Xclayma (Jamica) Taino, Cousin Nation to The haiti Taino with Christianity as a toolfrom TweetDeck

  27. Pat Robertson continues to 'mine' these blood-stained diamonds in his many, many, many, stolen African diamond minesfrom TweetDeck

  28. Pat Robertson's Ancestors crushed the crsytal diamond representative of The Human Soul in observance to A Higher Power for Haiti Folkfrom TweetDeck

  29. Pat Robertson like Ancestors continue to use they Christianity and 'god' (d-evil) to dance in the rain of Blood that is Mother Earth's painsfrom TweetDeck

  30. Pat Robertson's Ancestors beleive the 'god' (d-evil) they served was being exhalted during the extermination of AMERICA's Humanityfrom TweetDeck

  31. Pat Robertson's Ancestors did the same in the name of Christianity in New Orleans and The American Gulf.from TweetDeck

  32. Pat Robertson's Ancestors built thier city on a hill as MASSIVE STONE CHURCHES on the mass graves of Indigenous Diasporans like Haiti TAINOfrom TweetDeck

  33. Pat Robertson's Ancestors IMPORTED slaves from AFRICA, ASIA & EUROPA to then toil in that bloody tear in Mother Earth's Soul.from TweetDeck

  34. Pat Robertson's Ancestors EXTERMINATED The Taino People of The Northen Antillean Island of Haiti.from TweetDeck

  35. and until You Christians check your Jihadists, Devil Worshippers and such, This Cross I hold will mean execution not protection to you.from TweetDeck

  36. Pat Robertson is Christian and uses His religion as justification to walk in stolen HUMAN blood-stained diamond studded boots.from TweetDeck

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