why drank if you cant hold your liquor? what kinda look is that walking around smelling like rum? .:cindyAquashie:.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

International Human Rights Day

Address by Aung San Suu Kyi at the NGO Forum o...

"There is no peace, progress, prosperity if Human Rights are in pieces."

Miss Esther First GrandChile
- International Human Rights Day-

December 10, 2009 - Seattle, WA, AMERICA


no more is acquirable knowledge

limited to 22 world books
written in a language
whose alphabet has 36 letters.

#Quashie #Cuddjoe #Oualie

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

I make this look good

to get up STRUGGLE
to stay up STRUGGLE
against those who don't want you up STRUGGLE
against that keeping you down LIVE!

Am A Big Bitch on A Field infected with petty-pusses.*

I am prejudice and particular.

I do not keep company with those whose opposition to oppression is that they are not the oppressors.

And you know who you are.

you tend to be ever ready to jump down my throat at a moments notice then cry foul when I chomp your ass to bits

*Am not calm, cool or collected. Am bored.