(above WORDS cut & pasted from Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iglesia_de_Nuestra_Señora_de_los_Remedios )
(IMAGE JANUARY 2, 2007© Alicia Moya-Sánchez http://www.flickr.com/photos/aliciamoyas/356456452/ )
Placed squarely atop The Great Pyramid of Cholula, Mother Earth's largest pyramid, constructed by The Ancient Olmec Peoples, 'Our Lady of Victory,' built by slave labor under the whips of Spanish Conquistadors, is the most literal and figurative symbol of the 'city-on-a-hill' Christianist monument in The Americas.
I LOVE that, SomaMoja! Most American people won't understand the point because they are too brainwashed in the JudeoChristian culture to be able to look from outside it the way you have beautifully done here. Keep up the good work and keep helping us see ourselves as we really are!