why drank if you cant hold your liquor? what kinda look is that walking around smelling like rum? .:cindyAquashie:.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Babylon -00.00.0000 B.C. - 11.12.2010 A.D.

He was The Persian Egyptian Roman Mayan Mongol British Russian Whore
who giggled like a geese gaggle
with Pride as Hannibal posed on An Elephant

Death His Dance
The Devil did not Want

but needed
and got deeded

She came of Mambo and Legba
Stone Castle Crowned
Her Mountain Top A Head

His Last Two Step,
City On A Hill

(to all who choose to believe Him)

And The Choir Who Had Already Cleared away
Cried Sweat Teared Blood
As The First Warriors Chants grumbled HUSH!
Into His Crumbling Dust

SomeOne Had to Stand
So She The Before Times Woman
Began Her Psalms

Her Children Refused
To Move Out of MaMa's Groove
If PaPa did not have to go too

And Off With Us Forward They Now Limp
Cracked Skulls, Gorged Eyes, Chopped Limbs
So We The New Free will ever have to ask,

"Ayiti, What Happened?"

(The Wind Rhymed this, The Death Of Babylon, through Me as i watched the closing credits to The Movie, "Pride and Glory" and A Poet Rhymed, "the water line is raising and all we do is stand there.")

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